Will there be any movement on property tax reform in Indiana? Sen. Scott Alexander
he referenced Rep JD Prescott – he’s booked as a guest on WMUN’s Delaware County Today, Sept. 30, at 8:30 a.m.
Desperate need – 16 more volunteers for Fire Up Downtown this Saturday. Chase Crew people, and also people to assist with a pirate special shape hot air balloon from 5:30 until 9:00 that evening. 765-744-0124.
The annual WLBC supported Stand Down event earlier this week – we asked for how it feels to see the full room at the Delaware County Fairgrounds
Attendance numbers not known, but the room was full of smiles and good people while I was there covering on Tuesday.
Kicks are 1 p.m. this Saturday, and 1:30 p.m. for next Saturday for more BSU football road games from Learfield on WMUN. Pregame 1 hour earlier.
Unfounded – Rumors of threats targeting Yorktown school found to be ‘unfounded’ – Star Press reported that Yorktown police chief said anyone with “direct, physical evidence of a potential threat” is encouraged to call dispatchers at 765-747-7878.